I have been to markets, grocery stores and gardens in Kalamazoo - but only as an onlooker, a consumer. What changes now is how I become a student to the neighborhood, learning the ways of some old timers and newcomers alike.
I've made connections with the Kalamazoo Land Bank, People's Food Co-Op, Fair Food Matters, and various WMU organizations. I have yet to hit the pavement with the neighborhood "garden network" who have members in the Vine, Oakland, Douglas, Westwood, and Edison districts. The wide breadth of knowledge at Tillers International and local CSA's has not been tapped yet either.

Of course, something more to look forward to is the growing season. Spring has arrived, with the showers of April providing water that will spur May buds and flowers. Seeds are germinating, compost piles are being sifted, potting soil stuffed in containers. The Kalamazoo greenhouse district is at a frenzied pace, preparing for the commercial flat selling season.

When the madness of final exams is over, this blog will be correctly redesigned and resources will be organized.
I'm glad the project had a positive influence on you. It did the same for me!